REUSE compliance of TEDective/api

Unfortunately, is not REUSE compliant and does not fully adopt the recommendations to make software licensing easy for humans and machines alike. Have a look at our tutorial to learn about the three simple steps to become REUSE compliant.


To add the badge to your project's file, use the following snippet:

[![REUSE status](](

Machine-readable information

The API provides machine-readable artifacts for automatic analysis.

  • All information about the latest compliance check can also be accessed via a machine-parsable JSON file.
  • You can gather the automatically generated SPDX SBOM in Tag:Value format, based on the reuse spdx command.

Last lint output

Commit dc7d0982b2a332d78c9b8e7efd3b41d00a993866 was checked on 18 Jun 2024 09:54:04 UTC with the following result:


'CC-BY-SA-4.0' found in:
'CC0-1.0' found in:
* docs/.drone.yml
* docs/docker-compose.yml
* docs/public/
'GPL-3.0-or-later' found in:
* tedective_api/
* tedective_api/
* tedective_api/routers/node/
* tedective_api/routers/node/
* tedective_api/routers/node/
* tedective_api/routers/node/
* tedective_api/routers/node/
* tedective_api/routers/node/


The following files have no copyright and licensing information:
* .envrc
* .gitea/workflows/check-nix-flake.yaml
* .gitea/workflows/deploy-flake.yaml
* .gitea/workflows/merge-development-to-testing.yaml
* .gitignore
* .vscode/launch.json
* docs/.dockerignore
* docs/.gitignore
* docs/.gitrepo
* docs/.prettierrc
* docs/Dockerfile
* docs/components/blog-index.tsx
* docs/components/counters.module.css
* docs/components/counters.tsx
* docs/next-env.d.ts
* docs/next.config.js
* docs/package.json
* docs/pages/_app.mdx
* docs/pages/_meta.json
* docs/pages/about.mdx
* docs/pages/blog/_meta.json
* docs/pages/blog/alex-and-linus.png
* docs/pages/blog/datathon.mdx
* docs/pages/blog/fosdem2023.mdx
* docs/pages/blog.mdx
* docs/pages/contribute.mdx
* docs/pages/index.mdx
* docs/pages/self-host/_meta.json
* docs/pages/self-host/api.mdx
* docs/pages/self-host/quickstart.mdx
* docs/pages/self-host/ui.mdx
* docs/pages/tedective-api/_meta.json
* docs/pages/tedective-api/entity-response.mdx
* docs/pages/tedective-api/graph-response.mdx
* docs/pages/tedective-api/quickstart.mdx
* docs/pages/tedective-parser/quickstart.mdx
* docs/pages/usage/_meta.json
* docs/pages/usage/audience.mdx
* docs/pages/usage/questions.mdx
* docs/pages/usage/quickstart.mdx
* docs/pnpm-lock.yaml
* docs/postcss.config.js
* docs/public/favicon.ico
* docs/public/logo.svg
* docs/styles/globals.css
* docs/tailwind.config.js
* docs/theme.config.tsx
* docs/tsconfig.json
* flake.lock
* flake.nix
* poetry.lock
* pyproject.toml
* tedective_api/
* tedective_api/
* tedective_api/
* tedective_api/routers/
* tests/db/
* tests/db/
* tests/db/
* tests/db/n-0.hindex
* tests/db/n-0.hindex.ovf
* tests/db/n-1.hindex
* tests/db/n-1.hindex.ovf
* tests/db/n-2.hindex
* tests/db/n-2.hindex.ovf
* tests/db/n-3.hindex
* tests/db/n-3.hindex.ovf
* tests/db/n-4.hindex
* tests/db/n-4.hindex.ovf
* tests/db/nodes.statistics_and_deleted.ids
* tests/db/rels.statistics
* tests/read_buyer.json
* tests/read_buyer_with_date.json
* tests/read_supplier.json
* tests/read_supplier_with_date.json
* tests/
* tests/

The following files have no licensing information:
* docs/


* Bad licenses: 0
* Deprecated licenses: 0
* Licenses without file extension: 0
* Missing licenses: CC-BY-SA-4.0, CC0-1.0, GPL-3.0-or-later
* Unused licenses: 0
* Used licenses: CC-BY-SA-4.0, CC0-1.0, GPL-3.0-or-later
* Read errors: 0
* files with copyright information: 13 / 90
* files with license information: 12 / 90

Unfortunately, your project is not compliant with version 3.0 of the REUSE Specification :-(


* Fix missing licenses: For at least one of the license identifiers provided by
  the 'SPDX-License-Identifier' tags, there is no corresponding license text
  file in the 'LICENSES' directory. For SPDX license identifiers, you can simply
  run 'reuse download --all' to get any missing ones. For custom licenses
  (starting with 'LicenseRef-'), you need to add these files yourself.
* Fix missing copyright/licensing information: For one or more files, the tool
  cannot find copyright and/or licensing information. You typically do this by
  adding 'SPDX-FileCopyrightText' and 'SPDX-License-Identifer' tags to each
  file. The tutorial explains additional ways to do this: