REUSE compliance of hoijui/osh-dir-std-rs

Congratulations, is REUSE compliant! This project adopts the recommendations to make software licensing easy for humans and machines alike.


To add the badge to your project's file, use the following snippet:

[![REUSE status](](

Machine-readable information

The API provides machine-readable artifacts for automatic analysis.

  • All information about the latest compliance check can also be accessed via a machine-parsable JSON file.
  • You can gather the automatically generated SPDX SBOM in Tag:Value format, based on the reuse spdx command.

Last lint output

Commit b037df67add50d21583297616d8285134e9bda8e was checked on 03 Jun 2024 12:41:49 UTC with the following result:


* Bad licenses: 0
* Deprecated licenses: 0
* Licenses without file extension: 0
* Missing licenses: 0
* Unused licenses: 0
* Used licenses: AGPL-3.0-or-later, CC0-1.0, Unlicense
* Read errors: 0
* files with copyright information: 22 / 22
* files with license information: 22 / 22

Congratulations! Your project is compliant with version 3.0 of the REUSE Specification :-)